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How to develop Emotional Quotient (EQ)?

Ascent, TOI, dated 19th Aug, 2015, published EQ: The Secret Factor for Success.

The article based on research carried out at various universities brings out average students are doing better in life than good graders and the reason is that they have better EQ.

Before listing out how to develop EQ, let us see what is EQ and how it benefits us.

EQ is a measure of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and EI is ability to monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.

People should be trained in Social and Emotional Learning. Exposure to self-awareness, stress perception management, generosity, and purposeful living, can significantly improve decision making and implementations, leading to higher productivity and greater joy.

Being a smart or a hard worker is not enough. Talent and a great personality with whom people feel relaxed and comfortable adds to success.

Here are some tips to improve your EQ:

* Stay cool under pressure. This will keep your judgement intact.
* Keep a watch on negative emotions. This will keep prejudices away and there will be no misunderstanding with the person
* Be proactive and not reactive. When angry count till 100. This will soften your reaction and less harmful. This way you can empathize better.
* Learn to assert and express negative emotions but not by blaming others. It's better to say 'I don't like' instead of 'You did this'.
* Learn from your experiences and try not to repeat them
* Build relationships with people by expressing intimate emotion s directly on a one-on-one basis. Ask questions about health, family, or appreciate.
* Listen others to understand and not preparing to respond.

