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Making Most of 2009

Each year begins with lots of resolutions but only few are adhered to. This we realize on the 364th day when the year is ending. Don't live the life as it comes. Give your life a meaning and a direction. Learn and unlearn from the past to make most of 2009. Here are simple tips:

1. Instead of making year long resolutions, why not make it monthly, rather weekly and much more better on daily basis. At the end of the day, just check where you slipped and complete it by next day.

2. Learn to master your mind, body, and the soul. Our religious text has already told how to achieve self-mastery. You can also read or listen to gurus or life coaches.

3. Develop a new You. Its the attitude that governs everything. So, change your attitude for betterment. Life is not about grumbling or complaining. Its all about forgiveness.

4. Be focused and organized to turn your burning desire into a reality. Learn new skills to compliment your potential.

5. Learn to smile and love unconditionally and without any expectations.

6. Remember, "What you give return backs to you multiplied". So, spread love, respect and positivity instead of hatred, mockery, and negativity.

7. Everything that happens, happens for the good. Its how you view it and react on it. Try to find the opportunity in adversity.

8. Be proactive and not reactive. Reaction is always impulsive and most of the time damaging rather than helping.

9. Take care of your body by feeding it with nutritious food and not the junk fast food. Remember, "Anything that tastes good is bad for health". Avoid bad fat and too much sugar. Drink lot of water and exercise regularly. A simple brisk walk of 30 minutes for 5 days a week is enough. Don't let worries occupy your mind. They will only injure your body and murder your soul. So, grow spiritually along with physically, emotionally, and materialistically.

10. This is most important tip. Don't be victim of positive thinking. With so many life coaches, gurus, and mentors coming up, we are achieving positive thinking. But this alone does not work. You have to compliment your positive thinking with Positive Doing.
